Thursday, November 24, 2011

The Book Doctor: Too Much Thanksgiving


  1. As a left-wing pinko feminist type, of course I have a great fondness for A People's History, but I'd never even heard of that short, though I am also into shorts. Thank you, book doctor!! Actually, first I assumed it was a comic-book styled primer, which would be pretty SWEET*. Though it isn't that, apparently there IS a "Young People's History of the United States"...which I downloaded haha. Amazon recommends it for ages 11 and up; my niece just turned 10 this week, so I hope she's ready to get some TRUTH for her next birthday.

    *Check out Harvey Pekar's graphic history of SDS, if that kind of thing appeals to you, doctor.

  2. Argh, I got the title wrong! This is what I was thinking of: A People’s History of American Empire

    It is a comic, and I got it for my brother a couple of Christmases ago. It's pretty good.

    That "Young People's History" looks good. Unleash the truth!

  3. haha okay, everything is clear to me now. I'm gonna check that out, thank you for turning me onto it. p.s. These charts are awesome.
